Here you will find the latest news and resources from Chapter Zero Brussels and the Climate Governance Initiative on various EU and Climate-related topics which are relevent for Board Directors.
Announcing our new Masterclass - Nature’s Role in Business
Key Takeaways from Our Recent Webinar on Nature & Biodiversity: A Strategic Issue for the Boardroom
Finding pathways into nature for business
Board Pocket Guide: Nature and Climate Action
Transition Planning for Climate Action & the Role of the Board
Strategy Under Uncertainty
Integrating Youth and Nature into Corporate Governance: A New Era
EU Board Brief: A summary of recent changes and updates on key EU legislations
Transition planning: a global outlook for board directors
The rise of sustainability oversight committees - An interview with David Suetens
Transition planning & the role of the board - focus on Manufacturing sector
Executive Breakfast Briefing: Circular Economy
How can the board shape a winning strategy that happens to be sustainable? An Interview with Arne de Vet
How Code Zero is Leading Companies to a Sustainable Future: An Interview with Arne de Vet
Podcast: Why should environmental sustainability matter to people professionals?
Sustainable Governance in Action - with Etex
Code Zero: A 10(+1) point code for board directors
Climate Governance and the Circular Economy: A Primer for Boards
Climate Governance in Action - with SIPEF
Introduction to Carbon Credits and Offsetting